FindĀ“s Motor.
Horizontal hot-bulb engines.
This is one of my first built "lamp-start" hot-bulb engines, where the blow-lamp can be extinguished when the hot-bulb is warm and the engine is running. On my earlier built engines, the hot-bulb lost heat to the water-cooled injector and to the cylinder head, thereby stopping the engine.
Engine built 2002. Engine No 1-02. Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-30 mm.
Engine built 2003. Engine No 1-o3. Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-32 mm.
Engine built 2003. Engine No 2-03. Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-32 mm.
Engine built 2003. Engine No 3-03. Fuel: Kerosene.Bore-stroke 20-32 mm.