FindĀ“s Motor.
Vertical "four poster" hot-bulb engines.
Engine built 2005. Engine No 1-05. Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-34 mm.
My next engine project, a "four poster" hot-bulb engine, using the same well proved hot-bulb
and fly-ball governor controlled injection-pump system, as on my horizontal and inverted
hot-bulb engines.
"Four poster". Fly-ball governor system.
Engine built 2006 Engine No 1-06 Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-34 mm.
Engine built 2007. Engine No 1-07 Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-34 mm.
Engine built 2007. Engine No 2-07 Fuel: Kerosene. Bore-stroke 20-34 mm
The engine. Cam-shaft Governor System.
Cylinder-oiler. Cylinder-head Rocker-arms.